Mitt sanna jag

You're a Tyrannosaurus Rex!
You can't stop talking about the "good old days" of the past. While you remember everything being so much better and more glorious back then, you've got to realize that times have changed! It's time to move on, time to bring in the new technology and advancements! Still, there is some charm to your olden out-dated ways. Children seem to love you, for example, as do some historians and scientists. And you should really eat something... your bones are starting to show.
Take the Animal Quiz at the Blue Pyramid.

Mitt alternativa alter ego (när jag ändrade svaret på en av frågorna) var ännu värre;
You're a Human!
With extreme power comes extreme destructiveness, and you've had plenty of both to share with your peers. While you're capable of a great deal of beauty and joy, your skill in creating misery seems almost boundless at times. You've made a big fuss about how you're smarter than everyone else, but all they can see is how you've used those smarts for ill. At this point, your best hope is to turn to those around you and start caring about them. It would also be advisable to get rid of some of your stuff, and preferably not by throwing it away.


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